Gaspard vieusseux biography for kids

History of bacterial meningitis

Meningococcal disease was first clinically characterised by Gaspard Vieusseux in , and its causative agent was identified by Anton Weichselbaum in , who named it Diplococcus .

gaspard vieusseux biography for kids

Meningitis history taking

What is the history of Meningococcal Disease in America and other countries?

History of meningitis

The Genevan physician Gaspard Vieusseux (–; Fig. ) is often credited with having written the earliest comprehensive clinical description of epidemic meningitis, .
Meningitis history taking pediatrics
Inspire young minds biographies for kids about world leaders, Artists, Kings & Queens, Sportspeople, Scientists & Inventor & many g: gaspard vieusseux.